The article examines the motif of returning to the past. The research is based on the first part of Oksana Zabuzhko’s poetry book Hitchhiking. The author reveals the connection of this artistic trick with Zabuzhko’s historiosophical concept, which has been presented in her scientific and literary projects. Intertextual aspects of Zabuzhko’s poetics are also exposed in this work, especially allusions to the Bible, to well-known works by Taras Shevchenko, to the poem Galileo by Yevhen Pluzhnyk’s and so on. According to the poet’s historiosophical concept, deconstructing the nation’s rigid past, even if done under the sign of negation, contributes to the revitalization of the national idea and its recon-figuration in view of contemporary needs. This approach by Zabuzhko refers to Dominic LaCapra’s idea of the need to work through historical traumas. The main goal of this process is to release them from the limiting influence of trauma on the movement of communities towards a harmonious future.
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