The issue of the reinterpretation of past experiences addressed in this article is highly relevant in the light of contemporary research on memory. The author analyses the impact of family trauma on the identity of the millenial generation based on a family saga by Lisa Weeda, a Dutch writer of Ukrainian origin. The return to family identity is presented in Weeda’s novel both on an internal level (the protagonist’s search for her own self) and on an external level, as an increased in-terest in Ukraine and Ukrainian-ness becomes apparent following the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. Alexandra is interpreted in terms of three options: the role of family memory in shaping individual identity, the memory of space, and historical trauma. The literary reflection of the traumas of collectivisation, the Great Famine, the deportation of Ukrainian youth to Nazi Germany as forced labour, and the current war in the Donbass are considered.
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