Ключові слова

derived lexeme
semantic derivation

Як цитувати

ОСТАПЕНКО , М. (2021). АНГЛІЙСЬКЕ ВЛАСНЕ ІМ’Я JACK І ПОХІДНІ ВІД НЬОГО ЕПОНІМИ: ГНІЗДОВЕ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(2), 59–71. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2021.9.2.05


The English name Jack is one of the most common names in English-speaking countries, which has become a derivate for a large number of derived eponyms. The lack of a comprehensive study of this word family determines the relevance of our research. The article is made within the framework of comparative-historical linguistics, lexical semantics, and onomastics. The article aims to explore the structure of the derivative-semantic word family with a stem anthroponym eng. Jack. As a result, the structural types of secondary word family constituents and the main directions of semantic evolution of the creative lexeme and its common nouns derivatives, including phraseological units, were identified. All derived eponyms of the name Jack were divided into the following micro-families: representatives of living nature (males, plants, animals), inanimate objects (mechanisms – any things that have replaced human labor or with which something can be done) and an intermediate link of lexemes denoting the image of a man.



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