Ключові слова

mythologicaly poetic
film story

Як цитувати

ЗЕЛЕНЕНЬКА, І., & ТКАЧЕНКО, В. . (2021). ПРОКЛИНАННЯ ЯК РИТУАЛ І ФЕНОМЕН МІФОПОЕТИКИ ЗАЧАРОВАНОЇ ДЕСНИ ОЛЕКСАНДРА ДОВЖЕНКА. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(2), 97–105. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2021.9.2.08


This article deals with the problem of curses and mythologically poetic stylistics withth e example of O. Dovzhenkos’ film “The Enchanted Desna”. It is a typical lyrical story. This work is the author’s attempt to folklorize (lyricize) the genre of cinema through rich synonymy (contextual synonyms), versatile characteristics with comparisons, and occasional expressions (lyrics, curses). All aspects of linguistic colorization of the text constitute the multicultural space of the text, and the multidimensional nature of the poetics of the work. Therefore, one of the very characteristic features of Oleksandr Dovzhenko’s stylistic system is the synthesis of pre-Christian and Christian myths and pre-war reality. This is well illustrated by the rich, synonymous story of a small boy and mature artist (the concept of duality). All this brings the style of Dovzhenko’s new romance to the style of the impressionist Mikhail Kotsubinsky (in this context, we recall the “Apple Flower”).



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