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Oles Ulyanenko

Як цитувати

ШТЕЙНБУК, Ф. (2021). „ВОГНЕННЕ ОКО” СПОКУСИ В ОДНОЙМЕННОМУ РОМАНІ ОЛЕСЯ УЛЬЯНЕНКА. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(2), 189–199. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2021.9.2.15


The article is an interpretation of Oles Ulyanenko’s novel Fiery Eye on the principles of corporal-mimetic method for analyzing fiction. Having applied this innovative methodology, the conclusion is reached that the novel is not based on an apocalyptic vision but on a seduction phenomenon. This conclusion disputes traditional critical reflections on Oles Ulyanenko’s literary works. The content of seduction is determined by the correlation between the desire for power, woman, sex and death. They are symbolically echoed by the image of a sky with an enormous eye in the center, blazing with seductive fire. This fire is vivifying warmth and light. According to Oles Ulyanenko, the way there runs through a carnival turning cruelty into mercy, horror into delight, hatred into tenderness, disgust into pleasure, and vice versa.



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