The Vlachs in Byzantium – until the beginning of the 11th century
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descendants of the Romans in the Balkans in the 7th–10th centuries

How to Cite

Dudek, J. (2021). The Vlachs in Byzantium – until the beginning of the 11th century. Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta Et Studia, 28(1), 35–50.

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WszystkieOd 2020


Byzantine sources up to the 10th century do not mention the Vlachs, but they contain information about the
groups of Romans inhabiting the Avar and Bulgar states in the period between 7th and 10th century. After the conquests of Emperor Basil II, the Balkans returned under the Byzantine rule. However, the Vlachs did not obtain the status of the Romans (Rhomaioi) but were treated as semi-barbarian subjects (Bulgarians, Serbs).
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