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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Editorial rules established in periodical „Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et studia”

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items. Submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:

  • The text has neither been published previously nor is currently being submitted to publication elsewhere.
  • The paper has to be sent as a MS Word file (extensions: doc, docx, RTF). Additionally, images, tables, pictures, diagrams, drawings and special fonts have to be included as a HD graphic file. If you are going to reproduce stuff that is or can be other people’s intellectual property, a written permission is needed.
  • Obligatory languages in the journal are: Polish, English, Russian, French, German or Slavic languages of the Balkan Peninsula, depending on author’s preferences.
  • Maximum length of suggested articles it is 40 thousand signs with space.
  • An article which is prepared for printing should contain an abstract in English (maximum 1000 signs with spaces).
  • An article should contain keywords in Polish and English language (5 words).

The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. The journal is double-blind peer reviewed.

Detailed rules concerning notations and text layout

  • Text type: Times New Roman, 12 pt, margins: 2.5 cm.
  • Footnotes, under tables, diagrams, photos: Times New Roman type, 10 pt.
  • Interline: 1,5 pt.
  • Paper title: Times New Roman 14 pt (bold).
  • Author: name, surname, affiliation including city and ORCiD code (in parentheses) in the upper left corner above the title:

 Jędrzej Paszkiewicz 
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

  • Summary (max. 1000 signs with space)
  • Keywords (max. 5), e.g.
    Keywords: Vlachs, Pindus, migration, Ali pasha 
  • Internal titles: Times New Roman 12 pts (bold);


  • Archives sources and records: Archive name, collection, record signature, card or page. Type of record depending on the language of the article, e.g.

in Polish: 
Biblioteka Kórnicka Polskiej Akademii Nauk (BK PAN), rkps. 424, 426, 961, 7247, 11979.

in English: 
Archive of Yugoslavia (Arhiv Jugoslavije), Belgrade, Collection of Aleksandar Cincar-Marković (310), box 4, doc. 245/12 (12.1925 or 01.1926).

  • Books. One author
    Skakun M., Jugoslovensko-bugarski odnosi, Beograd 1979, p. 34–36.  
  • Books. More than one author:
    Politics, power, and the struggle for democracy in South-East Europe, eds. K. Dawisha, B. Parrto, Cambridge 1997, p. 103.

    Cohen L. J., Embattled democracy: postcommunist Croatia in transition, in: Politics, power, and the struggle for democracy in South-East Europe, eds. K. Dawisha, B. Parrto, Cambridge 1997, p. 103.
  • Articles in a periodical or collective studies (continuous pagination):
    Sargent O., Appeasement and British policy in Europe, 1933–1939, „Twentieth Century British History” 2010, no 1, p. 1–28.
  • Books or articles online:
    Cvrtila I., Intelligence governance in Croatia, Geneva 2012, p. 9, [access: 18.10.2020].

    Kočić P., Težak, “Otadžbina” 1907, no. 1; [access: 21.09.2020].

All authors and publications included into list reference,
published in Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic alphabets, must be transliterated to Latin version!

(Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian) 
А а - A a; Б б - B b; В в - V v; Г г - G g; Ѓ ѓ - Ǵ ǵ; Д д - D d; Ђ ђ - Đ đ; Е е - Е е; Ё ё - Ё ё; Ж ж - Ž ž; З з - Z z; И и - I i; Й й - J i; Ј ј - Ј ј; К к - K k; Л л - L l; Љ љ - Lj lj; М м - M m; Н н - N n; Њ њ – Nj nj; О о - O o; П п - P p; Р р - R r; С с - S s; Т т - T t; Ќ ќ - Ḱ ḱ; Ћ ћ - Ć ć, У у - U u; Ф ф - F f; Х х - H h; Ц ц - C c; Ч ч - Č č; Џ џ - Dž dž; Ш ш - Š š; Щ щ - Ŝ ŝ; Ъ ъ - ″ ″; Ь ь –´ ´; Ы ы - Y y; Ю ю - Yu yu; Я я - Ya ya

Α α - A a; Β β - B b; Γ γ - G g; Δ δ - D d; Ε ε - E e; Ζ ζ - Z z; Η η – Ī ī; Θ ϑ - Th th; Ι ι - I i; Κ κ - K k; Λ λ - L l; Μ μ - M m; Ν ν - N n; Ξ ξ - X x; Ο ο - O o; Π π - P p; Ρ ρ - R r; Σ σ - S s; Τ τ - T t; Y υ - U u; Φ φ - F f; Χ χ - H h; Ψ ψ - Ps ps; Ω ω - Ō ō 

Examples of transliteration (only in a reference list): 
Chasiōtis L., Oi ellīnoservikes sheseis, 1913–1918. Diplōmatikes proteraiotītes kai politikes antipalotītes, Vanias 2004 [Χασιώτης Λ., Οι ελληνοσερβικές σχέσεις, 1913–1918. Διπλωματικές προτεραιότητες και πολιτικές αντιπαλότητες, Βάνιας 2004].

Pržić I., Međunarodno-pravna kronika, Beograd 1922 [Пржић И., Мећународно-правна кроника, Београд 1922].

Stoilova R., Bieri F., Opazvane na prirodata: stratificiranoto obŝestveno mnenie, „Sociologičeski problemi” 2010, no 34, p. 225250 [Стоилова Р., Биери Ф., Опазване на природата: стратифицираното обществено мнение, „Социологически проблеми” 2010, no 34, p. 225250]. 

Footnotes at the bottom of a page are to be used exclusively (Times New Roman; footnote text – 10 pt, 1.0 interline; 1.5 line spacing between successive footnotes; numbering – Arabic numerals). Quotations included in the footnotes are to be written in ordinary font (Times New Roman 10 pts.) and enclosed in quotation marks. Do not provide publisher’s name in the bibliographic description. 

Examples of bibliographic description in footnotes: 
J. Skakun, Jugoslovensko-bugarski odnosi, Beograd 1979, p. 34–36.

Politics, power, and the struggle for democracy in South-East Europe, eds. K. Dawisha, B. Parrto, Cambridge 1997, p. 103.

L. J. Cohen, Embattled democracy: postcommunist Croatia in transition, in: Politics, power, and the struggle for democracy in South-East Europe, eds. K. Dawisha, B. Parrto, Cambridge 1997, p. 103.

O. Sargent, Appeasement and British policy in Europe, 1933–1939, „Twentieth Century British History” 2010, no 1, p. 1–28.

I. Cvrtila, Intelligence governance in Croatia, Geneva 2012, p. 9, [access: 18.10.2013].

A review, written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, it should not exceed 8 pages (1.5 interline). 

  • A review should include an original title and complete details of book reviewed (author’s first and last names, publisher’s name, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages, e.g. pp. 295). 
  • A text of a review should comply with the same rules which apply with regard to papers.
  • If a review contains references to other publications, they should be indicated in the footnotes, following identical rules as in the case of paper footnotes. 


The column IUS VALACHICUM has been included into „Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et studia” since 2016 (vol. 23). It is composed of articles prepared within the scientific project entitled Vlachs in European and Polish cultural area. Migration - settlement - cultural heritage
(NPRH Grant, 0604/NPRH3/H12/82/2014).

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Names and e-mail addresses published in this journal shall only be used for definite purposes of this journal and will not be made available for other purposes.