The paper deals with the issue of the professional promotion of women working in the aca- demic sector, in the context of Poland’s membership of the European Union. The authors discuss European legal requirements in this respect in order to assess the state of implementation of the recommendations issued by the European Commission and the European Parliament, and included in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in Poland. Next, using statistical data from the 2007 and 2011 re- ports of the Central Statistical Office, the authors describe the proportion of women in the structures of academic workers at different levels of academic career and attempt to explain the conditions of the situation they identify. A considerable part of the paper concerns the results of pilot studies carried out among female academics of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism of Adam Mickiewicz University for the purpose of this paper. Finally, the authors recommend concrete solutions for changing the legal and institutional conditions in order to increase the number of female academics.
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