Artykuł stanowi przegląd artykułów opublikowanych w 2016 roku na łamach brytyjskich czasopism naukowych z obszaru stosunków międzynarodowych. Dokonano wyboru tekstów z 16 wydań czasopism: „International Relations”, „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, “Politics” oraz “Political Studies”. Prezentowane artykuły zostały przeanalizowane w ramach grup tematycznych takich jak: terroryzm, kwestie bliskowschodnie, polityka migracyjna Wielkiej Brytanii oraz polityka chińska.
Balch A., Balbanova E. (2016), Ethics, Politics and Migration Public Debates on the Free Movement of Romanians and Bulgarians in the UK, 2006–2013, „Politics”, Vol. 36/1.
Barnes J. (2016), The ‘war on terror’ and the battle for the definition of torture, „International Relations”, Vol. 30/1.
Ettinger A. (2016), Teaching the Post-September 11 Wars to the Post-September 11 Generation, „Politics”, Vol. 36/2.
Gifford C. (2016), The United Kingdom’s Eurosceptic political economy, „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, Vol. 18/4.
Gutkowski S. (2016), We are the very model of a moderate Muslim state: The Amman Messages and Jordan’s foreign policy, „International Relations”, Vol. 30/2.
Holbrook D. (2016), Al.-Qaeda’s grievances in context: reconciling sharia and society, „International Relations”, Vol. 30/4.
Kozyrev V. (2016), Harmonizing ‘Responsibility to Protect’: China’s vision of a post-soreveign world, „International Relations”, Vol. 30/3.
Malcolm J. A. (2016), Responding to international terrorism: The securitization of the United Kingdom’s ports, „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, Vol. 18/2.
Peters Y. (2016), Zero-Sum democracy? The effects of Direct Democracy on Representative Participation, „Political Studies”, Vol. 64/3.
Sahin-Mencutek Z. (2016), Strong in the Movement, Strong in the Party: Women’s Representation in the Kurdish Party of Turkey, „Political Studies”, Vol. 64/2.
Sloam J. (2016), Diversity and voice: The political participation of young people in the European Union, „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, Vol. 18/3.
Thaler M. (2016), A Pragmatist Defence of the Ban on Torture: From Moral Aboslutes to Constitutive Rules of Reasoning, „Political Studies”, Vol. 64/3.
Tonkiss K. (2016), Experiencing transnationalism at home: Open borders and the everyday narratives of non-migrants, „Politics”, Vol. 36/6.
Zeng J. (2016), Constructing a „new type of great power relations”: the state debate in China (1998–2014), „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, Vol. 18/2.
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