Z „pomiędzy” Heaneya – Jarniewicz
Okładka czasopisma Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka, nr 19, rok 2012, tytuł Poeci za bramą utopii

Słowa kluczowe

Seamus Heaney
Jerzy Jarniewicz
Irish poetry
literary review
poeticality of description
literary criticism

Jak cytować

Okulska, I. (2012). Z „pomiędzy” Heaneya – Jarniewicz. Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka, (19), 317–326. https://doi.org/10.14746/pspsl.2012.19.23


The subject for the critical and literary comments in the present article is, in the first instance, the collection of essays devoted to the literary output of the Irish Nobel prize-winner Seamus Heaney written by Jerzy Jarniewicz and entitled “Wiersze pod dotyk”. Though this is the chief reason, but not the only one, as this seemingly innocent monograph book turns out to be a gem in itself with regard to the poetical artistry of the Polish author of the essays. And so, the reader finds the following: poetical language of description, poetical sensitivity in reading and a particular poetical manifesto that has a programme-character for Jarniewicz-poet. And all this is revealed form the eponymous “in between”, from between the verses, reading material, fascination and connotations of the author.


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