Interoperability and visualization as a support for mental maps to face differences in scale in Brazilian Geodesign processes
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Mental Maps
Collaborative Planning

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Moura, A. C., Marino, T., Ballal, H., Ribeiro, S., & Motta, S. (2016). Interoperability and visualization as a support for mental maps to face differences in scale in Brazilian Geodesign processes. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (35), 89–102. Pobrano z


The paper presents case studies of geodesign and collaborative planning in the context of important cultural areas in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, “Pampulha” and “Iron Quadrangle”. The first area is at urban scale and has recently received UNESCO recognition due to Oscar Niemeyer’s work, and the second is at regional scale and of qualified landscape, important historical and cultural values, in addition to abundant natural resources (mainly minerals). The results allow a reflection on the role of interoperability and visualization applications to favor mental maps and better conditions in participatory planning, based on the methodology of Geodesign.
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