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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors submit text in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman 12 pt, spacing 1.5, paragraph spacing: 0.
  • In a separate file: abstract, keywords, appendix bibliography, brief biographical information (place of work, most recent publication).
  • Illustrations and graphs in separate files.
  • Compliance of citations in the text with the rules set by the editors.

Author Guidelines


  1. We adopt the citation style according to the MLA scheme, with the abbreviated bibliographic description in the main text, in parentheses, and the full bibliographic description in the appendix bibliography.
  2. Text length for scientific articles: from 20 to 40 thousand characters with spaces, including endnotes and appendix bibliography. Reviews should contain a minimum of 3 thousand characters with spaces. 
  3. font Times New Roman 12pt in the main text, 10pt for longer citations and in endnotes.
  4. Interline 1.5, margins 2.5 cm, first line of a new paragraph - indentation 5mm.
  5. Quotations longer than 3 lines are distinguished by indentation on both sides (5mm) and 10pt font, write them without quotation marks.
  6. We mark shorter quotations in the text with double quotation marks, the quotation in the quote - with single quotation marks.
  7. We do not use underlining or "boldface" in the text. If necessary - we highlight a word in italics. Italics are also used for foreign language words or interjections.
  8. We do not use footnotes. If necessary - we put erudite endnotes. They should be placed at the end of the article, before the appendix bibliography.
  9. We do not use op.cit. If the name of the author and the cited work are mentioned in the text, it is sufficient to give the page number in parentheses, e.g. "As Wojciech Kluj states in his Teologia  misji w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II (234), …”.
  • when citing only one author's work, give the name and page number (Kluj 92);
  • if there are more works by a given author in the bibliography, we add the year of publication and page number (Kluj 2012, 78);
  • if there are two works by the same author published in one year, we mark them with additional letters (Kluj 2000a, 60; 2000b, 150);
  • if we refer to several works by different authors, we write their names in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons (Kluj 2012, 78; Różanski 1999, 20);

Citation example:

(a - example of description in the appendix bibliography; b - example of citation in the text)

One author:

a) Kluj, Wojciech Teologia misji w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II (1978-1998). Warszawa: ATK, 1999.
b) (Kluj 88-90) or (Kluj 1999, 88-90) or (Kluj 1999a, 88-90) - see section 9 of the General Notes.

Two or more authors:

a) Rahner, Karl. Vorgrimler, Herbert. Kleines Theologisches Wörterbuch. Freiburg: Herder, 1976.
b) (Rahner and Vorgrimler 1976, 44)

[In the case of four or more authors - we list all names in the appendix bibliography, while in the text only the first author, with the addition of et al.].

Include the publisher or translator, in addition to the author:

a) Rahner, Karl. Vorgrimler, Herbert Mały słownik teologiczny. Trans. Tadeusz Mieszkowski i Paweł Pachciarek. Warszawa: PAX, 1987.
b) (Rahner and Vorgrimler 1987, 44)

Consideration of the publishing series:

a) Origene. Contre Celse. Translated by Marcel Borret. 1 (Sources Chrétiennes 132). Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1967.
b) (Origene 180)

Include more volumes:

a) Origene. Contre Celse. Translated by Marcel Borret. 4 vols. (Sources Chrétiennes 132, 136, 147, 150). Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1967-1969.
b) (Origene 2: 120) [2 denotes volume number].

[In the case of a work without an author, the bibliographic entry begins with the title, and in the text we cite giving that title in a suitably abbreviated version]

Chapter or part of a book (edited collective work):

a) Różanski, Jarosław. „Misje między globalizacją, poszukiwaniem tożsamości kulturowej i integryzmem.” Misjologia XXI wieku. Ed. Andrzej Miotk. Warszawa: Verbinum, 2004. 101-113.
b) (Różanski 102)

Article in a scientific journal:

If there is no yearbook numbering, but the journal is divided into issues or issues appearing regularly within the yearbook:

a) Kluj, Wojciech. „Studia nad tradycyjną religią afrykańską : Zarys problematyki i sposoby badań.” Collectanea Theologica (1999) 3: 181-185. [where 3 is the number of the notebook in a given year].
b) (Kluj 1999, 183)

If basic yearbook numbering is present:

a) Kluj, Wojciech. „Eklezjologiczne podstawy teologii misji w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II.” Colloquia Theologica Adalbertina 2 (2000): 59-75. [where 1 is the number of the yearbook and 2 is the number of the notebook for that year].
b) (Kluj 2000, 60)


a) Kluj, Wojciech. Określenie działalności misyjnej w ‘Redemptoris missio’.” Annales Missiologicae Posnanienses 11 (2000): 137-154. [where 11 is the yearbook number].
b) (Kluj 2000, 150)

In the case of a second text by the same author in the same year, we use additional letter designations, and put the titles in alphabetical order:

a) Kluj, Wojciech„Eklezjologiczne podstawy teologii misji w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II.” Colloquia Theologica Adalbertina 2 (2000a): 59-75. [where 1 is the yearbook number and 2 is the notebook number].
a) Kluj, Wojciech. „Określenie działalności misyjnej w ‘Redemptoris missio’.” Annales Missiologicae Posnanienses 11 (2000b): 137-154.
b) (Kluj 2000a, 60; 2000b, 150).

[In the case of an article in an electronic journal, specify the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if the article has one].

Newspaper/popular magazine article:

a) Ziolkowska, Ewa. "„Siuda-Baba.” Głos Katolicki. 11-18 kwietnia 2004: 9.
b) (Ziolkowska)


a) Rzepecki, Patrick. „Misja: rodzina”. Misyjne Drogi (published January 12, 2015). Accessed March 25, 2015.
b) (Rzepecki)

a) Chiaka, Donatus Uchenna. "Youth ministry at Douala." Oblate Communications (March 10, 2015). Accessed March 25, 2015.
b) (Chiaka)

[In some cases, it is sufficient to merely indicate in the text the origin of a given piece of information from the Internet, without including it in the bibliography, e.g., "On March 23, 2015, the Internet site of the Liturgy of the Hours published brief information about the prominent bishop of Lima, Turibius of Mongrovejo." However, if a fuller citation were necessary, it could be written as follows:]

a) Internet Liturgy of the Hours. "Additional Memoir of St. Turybius of Mongrovejo, Bishop." March 23, 2015. accessed March 25, 2015.
b) (Internetowa Liturgia Godzin)

If in doubt about citing a particular type of source, further information can be found on one of the many websites discussing the MLA format, or details can be determined by personal contact with the editors of "Annales Missiologici Posnanienses."

I would like to acknowledge the support of Anna Branach-Kallas, Marcin Gabryś, Agnieszka Rzepa of the Polish Association of Canadian Studies and “TransCanadiana” review in creating the present form of submission guidelines according to the MLA format.

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