Teaching missiology in and for World Christianity. Content and method
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World Christianity
Global North
Global South
church history
church planting
Chinese Marginal Christians
Justo González

How to Cite

Peter C. Phan, & Klaudyna Longinus. (2019). Teaching missiology in and for World Christianity. Content and method. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 24, 85–99. https://doi.org/10.14746/amp.2019.24.6

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The article begins with a brief defi nition of „World Christianity” and elaborates three theses for conceiving the relationship between missiology and theology, the understanding and practice of Christian missions, and the teaching of missiology. I argue that outside missiology there is no theology. I also reject the separation between church history and missiology, the division between the historic churches of the West and the „mission lands” of the rest, and a narrow focus of the goal of Christian missions on conversion and church-planting. Finally, I recommend a shift from „church history” to „history of Christianity.”

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