Support Of Missionary Medical Centers In The Context Of Global Health Initiatives
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help to missionary medical centers
increasing global health care
cooperation between missionary medical centers and the national health care institutions

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Pawłowski, Z. (2015). Support Of Missionary Medical Centers In The Context Of Global Health Initiatives. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 20, 55–69.

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Intensive development of global health programs causes some changes in the way health care and prevention is offered by the medical centers at the religious missions. Faith-based  institutions still play an important role of the health care,  especially  in the peripheral poor human societies. However, the successful cooperation with the national health service authorities requires some compromises,  mainly due  to the specific identity of faith-based institutions. This is especially true for the implementation of some international standards of the modern diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the neglected tropical diseases. The global rational directives may not always be directly adapted to the local situations and emotions in the culturally different societies in the  underdeveloped world.  Therefore the role of the national  medical associations and local episcopates remains very essential. The progress in the medical sciences, care and prevention requires well  equipped and managed missionary health and education centers.

The outside help to medical missionary centers will continue to be necessary for a long time until the developing countries would be able to handle their health problems themselves. Over twenty years of experience  of the Redemptoris Missio Foundation in Poznan, Poland in supporting medical centers at the Catholic missions is presented.
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