Baptism in the Nubian Church – an attempt to reconstruct the liturgy in the light of the analysis baptisteries and Eastern Christian traditions
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Kingdom of Makuria
Old Dongola

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Mich, K. A. (2015). Baptism in the Nubian Church – an attempt to reconstruct the liturgy in the light of the analysis baptisteries and Eastern Christian traditions. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 20, 151–163.

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Although archaeological evidence shows that Christianity existed in Nubia before the official mission of evangelization of Byzantium, however, it did not then have a centralized form. The imperial missions Justinian and Theodora established the new faith, and in effect the Nubian Christianity began to erect monumental temples dedicated to the new God. On the basis of Nubian baptisteries, as well as contemporary baptismal liturgy in the East, the author attempt was made to reconstruct the baptismal liturgy in Nubia, primarily in the area of the kingdom of Makuria.
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