This case-study is a study of the three stages of “The Collapse of the SVD Togo Mission (1914-1921)”: the Anglo-French Occupation (1914-1917); the Expulsion and Internment of the SVD Missionaries (1917-1918) and the Definitive Loss of the SVD Togo Mission (1918-1921). The investigation, based on archival sources of the SVD Generalate Archives in Rome (AG SVD) traced the unfolding of events within the international efforts to save the mission in the thriving Protectorate of Togo. The collapse of the SVD Togo Mission driven by rampant nationalism was brought about by the expulsion of its 53 missionaries in seven groups within three months. Even if the expelled German missionaries were pervaded by a deep spirit of patriotism, they were first and foremost religiously motivated men. In the end, they wound up as victims of the political entanglements. The Treaty of Versailles deprived the missions of significant apostolic forces. More than 1,000 German missionaries, including 130 Divine Word Missionaries, were thus excluded from mission territories as victims of political calculations. The SVD missionaries were released from internment within the year due to the urgent actions of their Superior General, Fr. Nikolaus Blum. They accepted the course of events in a truly apostolic spirit and received new assignments, mainly to the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia).
AG SVD 27 [a] (1909-1920): Bro. Alcuin to Superior General, 12 May 1919.
AG SVD 27 [b] (1909-1920): Bro. Alcuin to Superior General, 21 Oct 1919.
AG SVD 27 [c] (1909-1920): Bro. Damasus to Superior General, 21April 1918.
AG SVD 27 [d] (1909-1920): Bro. Johannes Hopfer to Superior General from the Isle of Man, 15 March 1918.
AG SVD 27 [e] (1909-1920): Bro. Leopold Schacht to Superior General, 18 March 1919.
AG SVD 27 [f] (1909-1920): Bro. Willibrord Adolphi to Superior General from the Isle of Man, 9 June 1918.
AG SVD 27 [g] (1909-1920): Fr. August Gehring to Superior General, 6 June 1918.
AG SVD 27 [h] (1909-1920): Fr. Christian Lorscheid to Superior General from Bühlingen, 1 April 1918.
AG SVD 27 [i] (1909-1920): Fr. Christian Lorscheid to Superior General, 30 May 1919.
AG SVD 27 [j] (1909-1920): Fr. Eduard Breitkopf to Superior General from Kpandu, 26 Jan. 1917.
AG SVD 27 [k] (1909-1920): Fr. Eduard Ihle to Superior General from Bad Driburg, 15 April 1918.
AG SVD 27 [l] (1909-1920): Fr. Franciscus Dorn to Superior General from Island of Man, 27 March 1918.
AG SVD 27 [m] (1909-1920): Fr. Franz Eickmann to Superior General, 19 Nov. and 8 Dec. 1920.
AG SVD 27 [n] (1909-1920): Fr. Franz Tetzlaff to Superior General from Regensburg, 4 Dec. 1920.
AG SVD 27 [o] (1909-1920): Fr. Heinrich Demond to Superior General, 28 March 1917.
AG SVD 27 [p] (1909-1920): Fr. Heinrich Etscheid to Superior General from London, 19 Dec. 1917.
AG SVD 27 [q] (1909-1920): Fr. Henricus Leven to Superior General, 1 Jan. 1918.
AG SVD 27 [r] (1909-1920): Fr. Henricus Leven to Superior General, 13 April 1918.
AG SVD 27 [s] (1909-1920): Fr. Henricus Leven to Superior General, 15 May 1918.
AG SVD 27 [t] (1909-1920): Fr. Hermann Feldmann to Superior General, 2 June and 1 Dec. 1918.
AG SVD 27 [u] (1909-1920): Fr. Hermann Hellinge to Superior General, 9. Jan. 1919.
AG SVD 27 [v] (1909-1920): Fr. Joseph Lambert to Superior General from Togo, 27 Jan. 1916.
AG SVD 27 [w] (1909-1920): Fr. Karl Wolf to Superior General from Atakampé, 28 March 1917.
AG SVD 27 [x] (1909-1920): Fr. Paul Arndt to Superior General from Alexandria Palace, 5. Jan. 1918.
AG SVD 27 [y] (1909-1920): Karl Stangier to Superior General from Drolshagen, 28 Oct. 1920.
AG SVD 27 [z] (1909-1920): Letter of 30 Jan. 1917.
AG SVD 903 [a]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Henricus Leven, Bericht über die Fortführung der Missionare aus Togo, Westafrika (Report on the deportation of the missionaries from Togo West-Africa).
AG SVD 903 [b]: Regio Togonesis (1913-1915): Notschrei der katholischen Missionen an die christliche Mächte, pp. 2500-1502.
AG SVD 903 [c]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955) 2640-2643. Conférence des Supérieurs des Congrégations allemandes des Missions étrangères, tenue à Dusseldorf le 23 Juillet 1919.
AG SVD 903 [d]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to Card. Bourne, 1 Jan. 1918.
AG SVD 903 [e]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to Card. Bourne, 22 Dec. 1917.
AG SVD 903 [f]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to Colonial Office, 15 Jan. 1918.
AG SVD 903 [g]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to Nolens, 8 Sept. 1919.
AG SVD 903 [h]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to Pacelli, 15 Jan. 1918.
AG SVD 903 [i]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to the Colonial Office in Berlin, 17 August. 1918.
AG SVD 903 [j]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Blum to Witte, 28 Jan. 1919.
AG SVD 903 [k]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Bodems to Duret, Superieur Général SMA, Steyl 14 Jan. 1920.
AG SVD 903 [l]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Bodems to Hummel, Cape Coast, 21 Jan. 1929.
AG SVD 903 [m]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Card. Bourne to Bodems, 2640-2643.
AG SVD 903 [n]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Hummel to Blum, Cape Coast Castle, 9 Oct. 1918.
AG SVD 903 [o]: Regio Togonesis (1917-1955): Pacelli to Blum, 9 March 1918.
AG SVD 903 [p]: Regio Togonesis: Fr. N. Schönig, Zum 20-jährigen Bestand der katholischen Mission in Togo.
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