Dialogue with African Traditional Religions in the teaching of Paul VI, John Paul II and the letter of the Cardinal Francis Arinze
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African Traditional Religion
Africae terrarium
John Paul II
Paul VI
Arinze Francis

How to Cite

SZYMCZYCHA, K. (2010). Dialogue with African Traditional Religions in the teaching of Paul VI, John Paul II and the letter of the Cardinal Francis Arinze. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 17, 71–87. https://doi.org/10.14746/amp.2010.17.05

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Number of downloads: 35


The letter of pope Paul VI Africae terrarum is the first official Church document consecrated to Africa. It was issued on 29th of October 1967. It shows a positive perspective on African Traditional Religion. The second important group of texts regarding the attitude towards ATR are different texts said by John Paul II during his travels to Africa. Special attention should be paid also to the letter of card. F. Arinze consecrated to the pastoral care of the followers of African Traditional Religion.
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