Total noise in the Morasko Campus − region Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences AM University in Poznań
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environmental noise
noise measurements
noise maps (acoustic maps)
thematic cartography

How to Cite

KUBIAK, J. (2019). Total noise in the Morasko Campus − region Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences AM University in Poznań. Badania Fizjograficzne Seria A - Geografia Fizyczna, 10(A 70), 39–52.


The aim of the study was to learn the total (coming from all emitters) of the spatial distribution of noise on a fragment of the area belonging to the Morasko Campus in Poznań. The research consisted of direct measurements of the equivalent sound level (LAeq) in the field in designated positions and mapping the phenomenon. The formal requirements regarding the method of measuring noise in the external environment as well as its visualization have been observed in the work. The effect of the observations carried out was the development of a noise immission plan for the selected area illustrating the noise from all sources occurring in this area. They compared it with the road noise map developed in 2017 at the request of the City of Poznan. The measurement data was referred to the noise limit values in force in areas with teaching functions. The research used data sources from Topographic Objects Database (BDOT10k) and graphic studies made available through the Spatial Information System in Poznań.
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