A Brief Insight into the Lexicon of Czech Computer Game Players Using Adapted English Substantives
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SÁDLO, P. (2018). A Brief Insight into the Lexicon of Czech Computer Game Players Using Adapted English Substantives. Bohemistyka, 17(2), 163–181. https://doi.org/10.14746/bo.2017.2.5


Computer game players often express the need to convert the existing English expression occurring in the game to their native language system. The aim of this article is to explore the way the original English nouns are converted to Czech grammatical system. In the theoretical part, the position of English language in the world, the philosophy of the grammatical-lexical adaptation in general and the game itself are suggested. Furthermore, the principle of the existing computer game slang of the Czech players is introduced. Subsequently, in the research part, the nouns are analysed in regard to their word-forming process, semantic motivation and wider situational context. The analysed nouns are provided with a typical example of their common usage in the game. The research outcomes are verified within the analysis of the research part.

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