The word order of pronominal forms »mi«, »ti«, »si«, »ho«, »mu« in the »Kralice Bible« and the influence the pronominal word order in the original texts could have had in the Czech text
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Kralice Bible
pronominal enclitics
word order
influence of Latin/Greek/ /Hebrew pretext

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NAVRÁTILOVÁ , O., KOSEK , P. ., ČECH , R., & HORÁK , M. (2020). The word order of pronominal forms »mi«, »ti«, »si«, »ho«, »mu« in the »Kralice Bible« and the influence the pronominal word order in the original texts could have had in the Czech text . Bohemistyka, 20(4), 453–478.


The present study focuses on the word order of the pronominal enclitics mi, ti, si, ho, mu in selected books of the Old and New Testaments of the Kralice Bible. It focuses mainly on the distribution of individual forms within two competing positions, i.e., the post-initial position and contact position. The paper concentrates on non-post-initial positions of enclitics in the Kralice Bible, which are significantly less frequent than the post-initial positions and are in fact variants of the contact position. In the article, we try to pinpoint the extent to which the word order of the original texts (Latin, possibly Hebrew and Greek) influences the word order of the translations, the less frequent enclitics positions in particular. We look at Old and New Testaments separately, given that they are based on different languages.
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