The article focuses on the prosaic cycle of Antal Stašek Blouznivci našich hor and gives its interpretation concentrating mainly on its composition. It comments upon the changes of the text and its composition between the periodical edition of the stories in Květy (1892–1894) and the first book edition (in 2 volumes, 1895 and 1896). The cycle concerns the activity of the spiritistic movement in Pojizeří region in North Bohemia in the 1880s, using the means of analytical realism. Its distinctly centripetal form is shown mainly in the microcomposition of the central tale V stánku, depicting a spiritistic séance during which the protagonists of the single texts meet. Stašek´s Blouznivci also stand out among other Czech texts of the kind, e.g. compared to the prose series of Prokop Chocholoušek Jih (1862-63).
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