Strangers and ours. Countryside and the actions of characters in the standardization works of Miroslav Rafa
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Miroslav Rafaj
work plan
work environment

How to Cite

Tichý, O. . (2022). Strangers and ours. Countryside and the actions of characters in the standardization works of Miroslav Rafa. Bohemistyka, 22(2), 231–242.


The study deals with three works by Ostrava-connected author Miroslav Rafaj – novel Obtíže rovin (Difficulties of Flatlands), and short-story collections Zahrada po rodičích (Inheriting My Parents’ Garden) and Výzvy k soukromým slavnostem (Appels for Private Celebrations). The analysis focuses on the depiction of villages as environments for fulfilling work tasks and on the motivations of individual characters’ actions. The paper makes use of the onomastic viewpoint, too, which points to the fact that the short-stories are set in particular areas. Another goal of the study is to research whether Miroslav Rafaj complied with the that-time fiction requirements.
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