Fragmentary Russian-Czech-English lacunarity of the lexeme Tower on the material of dictionaries
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Ключевые слова

contrastive grammar
cultural linguistics
Russian language
Czech language
English language

Как цитировать

Frantceva, A. I. (2019). Fragmentary Russian-Czech-English lacunarity of the lexeme Tower on the material of dictionaries. Bohemistyka, 19(1), 71–82.


In this article we consider the method of contrastive analysis of башня (tower in Russian) lexeme, where the Russian language will be the source language, and the Czech and English languages will be the languages of comparison. In the study we will describe the comparison of the data of etymological dictionaries in three languages.

The aim of this comparative analysis is discovering similarities and differences in the sub-systems of three languages.

The central concept of contrastive linguistics is the notion of interlingual correspondences – units of different languages having similarities in composition of semes. Formally, there are three types of correspondences: linear correspondences, vector correspondences, lacunae. In this article we will consider one of them – fragmentary lacunarity.
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Библиографические ссылки

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Slovník spisovneho jazyka českého, 1971, ed. B. Havranek, Praha.

The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology. Onions.C.T., 1966, Oxford.

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