Author Guidelines
Page 1:
Title in Polish - Times New Roman - bold 14 points , centered
Keywords in Polish: 1 + 5-7 keywords in alphabetical order, font 10 points to the left
Abstract of the article (abstract) in Polish: 500-1000 characters with spaces, font 10 pt, justified
Title in English - Times New Roman - bold 14 pt, centered
Keywords in English: 1 + 5-7 keywords in alphabetical order, font 10 pt to the left
Abstract of the article (abstract) in English: 500-1000 characters with spaces, 10 pt font, justified
Name of author(s).
Affiliation of author/s - scientific unit or place of research (e.g. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan), ORCID identifier (
Contact information including the institution's address and e-mail (e.g., Department of Educational Studies, 89 D Szamarzewskiego St., 60-569 Poznań; e-mail:
Keywords: words should be written in the nominative singular; keywords should be pertinent and facilitate finding publications based on them in the electronic journal database.
Abstract: the abstract should succinctly present: introduction; methods: stated purpose of the research, research method/tools, research participants; results; conclusions; the abstract should not repeat or paraphrase the title of the text; it should be written in the third person and include keywords.
Page 2: Basic text - the entire article up to 20 pages plus a literature list (40,000 characters total) Basic text: text file saved in .doc, rtf. or docx, justified, folded in basic style, basic typeface Times New Roman; font size 12 points, continuous page numbering, numbering in the lower right corner, line spacing - 1.5, no split words, no automatic highlighting or enumeration; margins 2.5 cm on each side; title in bold, font size 14 points, centered, mid-headings in bold and all aligned to the left, distinguished by spacing from the last paragraph; paragraphs indented 0.5 from the left; abbreviations and acronyms may be used after adding the full development (including the abbreviation in parentheses) the first time they are used in the text; in the text itself, do not use bold or underline, italics may be used for publication names, key terms, foreign language words or mathematical symbols.
Footnotes: factual footnotes placed at the bottom of the page; bibliographic footnotes in the text (name, year of publication, page).
numbered and placed at the bottom of the page are only substantive footnotes, i.e., the author's footnotes or website addresses in case the author of the text or title is missing;
bibliographic footnotes are placed directly in the text and include the name of the author, the year of publication of the work and the page number, e.g.: (Brzezinska, 2020, p. 1);
when we cite two books by the same author published in the same year, we use the notation: (Hessen, 1997a; Hessen, 1997b), and when more books are cited, the year is denoted by consecutive letters of the alphabet;
if the cited work has two authors, we include both names; in the case of more authors, we give the first name and "et al.", e.g.: (Konopczynski et al. 2007);
in the case of indirect citations, when the work is difficult to access or in a language unknown to the author, we indicate in the text the name of the author of the citation and the source directly used (Grondin, 2003, after Przanowska, 2015, p. 31).
The list of literature cited in the article placed immediately after the main text should be made according to the following guidelines:
Brzezinska, A. (2000). Social psychology of development. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Cierpiałkowska, L. (2000). Alcoholism. Causes, treatment, prevention. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Chapter in a collective work:
Grzegorzewska, I., Pisula, E., Borkowska, A. R. (2016). Clinical psychology of children and adolescents. In L. Cierpiałkowska, H. Sęk (eds.), Clinical psychology (pp. 451-498). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Jankowiak, B., Kuryś-Szyncel, K. (2017). Developmental potential of the adolescence period. In B. Jankowiak, A. Matysiak-Błaszczyk (eds.), Youth between protection and risk. Supporting development and psychological and pedagogical assistance for adolescents and adolescents (pp. 121-142). Poznan: UAM Scientific Publishing House.
Editors of the collective work:
Grudziewska, E. (ed.) (2015). Sociotherapy in work with children and adolescents. Warsaw: Difin.
Journal article:
Arnett, J. J. (1995). Adolescents; uses of media for self-socialization. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24(5), 519-533.
Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood. A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55(5), 469-480.
Soroko, E., Jankowiak, B. (2020). Shaping social and psychological competencies or intervening in a crisis? Sociotherapists' experiences of helping adolescents in Poland, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 09405-x [accessed 9.12.2020].
Internet sources:
Klus-Stanska D. (2017).Notes to the Fundamentals of general education curriculum for elementary school. Downloaded from: [accessed 3.04.2020].