"Czy może być co dobrego z Nazaretu?"(J 1, 46) w perspektywie zwrotu etycznego

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Tomczak, P. (2015). "Czy może być co dobrego z Nazaretu?"(J 1, 46) w perspektywie zwrotu etycznego. Zeszyty Naukowe Centrum Badań Im. Edyty Stein, (13/14), 107–118. https://doi.org/10.14746/cbes.2015.13.14.9


This article undertakes a reflection on selected aspects of biblical ethics. A parallel reading of the Nathanael (Jn 1,43-51) and the Zacchaeus (Lk 19,1-10) pericopes presents the ethical disposition not as a desire of moral self-improvement, but as openness, freedom from prejudice and readiness for changing the existing concept of good (Nathanael undermines tradition, Zacchaeus shares his wealth). Messianic ethics – not focused on cultivating personal virtues but radically relational, social, and secular – seems to inspire very diverse ethical philosophers (from Levinas or Bonhoeffer to Badiou), and its present-day form is political concern for responsibilization of the global market.