Pojęcie hybris w kulturze i filozofii greckiej
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Bardziński, F. (2016). Pojęcie hybris w kulturze i filozofii greckiej. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 7(2), 31–57. https://doi.org/10.14746/eip.2016.2.4

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In the article, the author presents an overview of the concept of hubris – excessive pride – as it was understood and developed in ancient Greek culture and philosophy, as well as its practical employment as a measure of convincing others in the speeches of Aeschynus and Demosthenes. Departing from the mythological Hubris – goddess of disdain, pride, arrogance and scandalous behavior, I will develop the wide contexts of hubris as a personal disposition of Greek heroes – such as Ajax, Agamemnon, Oedipus, as well as the moral demerit of such figures as Croesus or Xerxes. I will argue that – throughout Greek mythology, culture, and philosophy – the notion of hubris was understood as acting in a scandalous manner, pushed further to its extremity – and thus being the ultimate offense both to people and the gods.

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