The Discovery of Incorporeality and the Supernatural in Middle Platonism and its Existential Consequences

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Middle Platonism

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Pawłowski, K. (2016). The Discovery of Incorporeality and the Supernatural in Middle Platonism and its Existential Consequences. Filozofia Chrześcijańska, 13, 77–95.


The most important and enduring input of Middle Platonism is the way it unveiled the fascinating depths of human nature in its supernatural dimension, and its greatest secrets, including the most important and most sacred mystery of human love, which is the initiation into divinity itself. The discovery of the supernatural dimension of the human nature enforced a change from materialistic life preferences to spiritual ones — it was the consequence of accepting the supernatural aspects of human existence, but also, above all, it revealed its fascinating and mysterious depth in which divinity itself is both hidden and somehow exposed (although only to those who are initiated). Middle Platonic philosophers returned to Platonic postulates: “follow God” and “imitate to God,” which replaced the Stoic “live in accordance with nature” and “follow nature.” In the eyes of the Platonics, the new direction of human ethical development was to be found in imitating the transcendent and incorporeal divinity.


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