Uprawnienia mieszkańców jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w zakresie dostępu do informacji publicznej

Słowa kluczowe

local government unit
public information
limits in access to public information

Jak cytować

Cern, G., & Bojar-Fijałkowski, T. (2014). Uprawnienia mieszkańców jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w zakresie dostępu do informacji publicznej. Filozofia Publiczna I Edukacja Demokratyczna, 3(1), 142–168. https://doi.org/10.14746/fped.2014.3.1.8


The text tries to answer a question which information is to be recognized as public information, whereby local communities and/ or self-government should share the information if requested by citizens. More than that, the text aims to present the rule of disclosure and access to public information as well as ways of implementing them in local governments. It is also worth to debate when public information is recognized as processed and what an internal document is, if it is also recognized as public information. In consequence, a requirement to prove a special social interest, when applying for the processed information, also becomes a significant issue. Finally, authors raise a question what to do when an organ which is obliged, in this case a self government unit, rejects an access to such information or when one deals with its inaction in that field. Due to a generality of those regulations and lack of legal definitions of many instruments, including the term of public information, it is necessary to present a doctrine and judgments on that issue.
