The article is an attempt to assess the effects on the functionality of regional dialects from both a historical and contemporary perspective. As a starting point for deliberations, the author has adopted the theory of Maryla Hopfinger who assumes that the development of technology, more specifically advances in communication from first an analog and now to a digital technology, has contributed to a complete change in the medium of communication which thus, for the twentieth century, resulted, for the second time in the history of mankind, in the total reconfiguration of culture. The first major realignment of culture took place at the time when the spoken word was stripped of its’ prior high ranking by the written word. Also within the village, speech to some extent, also gave up to this reconfiguration. This first impact on regional dialects only slowly changed the first relationship, while the second, which is now taking place before our eyes, seems to more strongly influence the language and culture of the modern village.
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