In the article, names of fungi in Russian dialects are examined. The principles and motives of these names are traced via hyperonyms гриб, гýбы, обáбок, phraseological collocations бéлый гриб, and hyponyms волнýшка and опёнок. Models of semantic word formation are established: ‘animal→mushroom’, expressing similarity based on form, colour, properties, etc., and ‘non mushroom→mushroom’, on the basis of metaphorical transfer. The main word formation method of the names of fungi is morphological – first of all, suffixation. In the article, attention is paid to confixes and prefixes. The homonymy of names of fungi appears to be the result of using a common feature in different mushrooms as a motivation for the names.
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Словарь русских народных говоров. Т. 1–40. – Л. (СПб): «Наука», 1965–2006. Продолжающееся издание. (СРНГ).
Словарь современного русского литературного языка. В 17 тт. – М.; Л.: Изд.во АН СССР и «Наука», 1950–1965. (ССРЛЯ).
Шанский Н.М., Иванов В.В., Шанская Т.В. Краткий этимологический словарь русского языка. Пособие для учителя. – Москва, 1961. – 404 с. (КрЭС).
Сокращения в тексте статьи даны по Словарю русских народных говоров и Словарю современного русского литературного языка.
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