The analysis of 550 fragments of written records (up from 100 to 500 words or more) of different genres made it possible to identify the important features of the behaviour of attributive-adjectives in texts from the XVI–XVII centuries. Under the text (or discursive) characteristics of attributive-adjectives, we understand all linguistic phenomena that are associated with the emergence of adjectives in the text and the performance of their basic functions, and the reasons used in the relic text.
Installed text (discourse) characteristics can clarify description of attributive adjectives, that are part of adjectival-substantive complexes, in three general areas: 1) basic functions of attributive-adjectives (primary or secondary), 2) saturation of any texts by adjectives, 3) features of construction and function of attributive syntagmas (especially adjectives), the connections of adjectives with each other, and their sequence in the attribute chain.
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