Contactological Study of German Loan-Wwords in the Croatian Language
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Novak, K., & Štebih Golub, B. (2019). Contactological Study of German Loan-Wwords in the Croatian Language. Gwary Dziś, 7, 191–200. Retrieved from


There is a large number of German loan-words in the Croatian language, especially in its dialects, due to intensive political, economic and cultural connections between speakers of Croatian and German. Although German loan-words have been topic of previous separate studies, there is still neither systematic and comprehensive study that would capture that layer of loanwords in the historical texts, in literary language and in local idioms, nor the dictionary of German loan-words in the Croatian language. Our paper gives a short survey of previous research of German loanwords in the Croatian language taking into consideration the extralinguistic reality (the attitude towards that layer of loan-words) as well as its span and scientific quality. An attempt is made to set the direction for further research in that area.

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