Texts about weddings, recorded during expeditions to Boykivshchyna in 1999-2016 and comprising dialectal, folklore and ethnographic records from the late 19th century, are evidence that until the 1950s, it was not the korovay but cooked, homemade bread made from rye or oat flour (later on from wheat flour) that was used to prepare a ceremonial product. Modern texts about Boykos’ weddings provide information about the word korovay. In this article, the semantics of the lexeme, its ability to form derivatives indicating ceremonial aspects, a tendency to form stable phrases, as well as the ritual context of the use of the word korovay are analysed. The lexeme demonstrates variability on the level of phonetics, accent and morphology. Various names have been used to denote decorative korovays, including specially baked products. In the article, the respondents talk about their beliefs and the divinations revolving around the process of baking bread.
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