The article presents the issues of dialectal vocabulary from the etymological point of view. Attention has been drawn to the need of studying dialectal vocabulary with regard to the etymology, pointing to the multi-faceted requirements in this respect. All the presented issues have been discussed by using the example of dialectal plant names. Emphasis has been placed on the fact that one should know all the botanical features of individual species in order to determine the proper semantic motivation behind the names. It has been stressed that in the etymology of dialectal names of plants, not only their forms but also the semantic motivation and history are of extreme importance. After examining them (using the historical-comparative method), etymological conclusions can be drawn whether a given dialectal name of a plant is authentically dialectal, inherited or borrowed. Moreover, it has been found out that the methodology of etymological dialectal research, in addition to the typical principles used in etymological surveys, must take into account the influence of rural life, beliefs, customs, etc. In other words, the entire rural culture of the semantic motivation of the dialectal vocabulary needs to be considered. Hence, etymological research into dialectal vocabulary requires more sophisticated etymological techniques and additional knowledge of dialectology, history of rural culture and ethnology.
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