Disappearance of family formants in local dialects vs. non-typical research issues in contemporary dialectology (based on the example of villages located near Dukla in the Low Beskids.
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linguistic changes
family formants in local dialects
non-typical research problems

How to Cite

Kurek, H. (2021). Disappearance of family formants in local dialects vs. non-typical research issues in contemporary dialectology (based on the example of villages located near Dukla in the Low Beskids. Gwary Dziś, 14, 105–111. https://doi.org/10.14746/gd.2021.14.10


The subject of the article includes non-typical research issues faced by contemporary researchers of the language spoken in the village since the late 20th and the early 21st century. In the description of the linguistic changes of the village communities, the researchers need to take into account the changes taking place both in dialects and in the general Polish language. This is because the subject of their analyses includes the rural sub-standard which is also constantly modified by the media Polish and the English-language standards. I have shown non-typical research problems based on the examples of disappearing “family formants”, i. e. suffixes which, in local dialects, are used to create the names of wives, sons and daughters. These formants have been collected in villages near Dukla in the Low Beskids. The material, which encompasses the entire 20th century and the early 21st century, also contains some examples showing the phenomenon of removing the inflection of first names and surnames in the rural sub-standard in the syntactic structures like first name + od + gen. sg. surname // first name // nickname of father or mother.

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