Russian semantic, structural and collocation calques in Polish subdialects spoken in Russia.
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Polish immigrant dialects in Russia
language contact
adapted borrowings
semantic and structural calques

How to Cite

Skorwid, S. (2021). Russian semantic, structural and collocation calques in Polish subdialects spoken in Russia. Gwary Dziś, 14, 199–208.


The paper presents a study of immigrant Polish dialects in Russia that have been strongly influenced by the dominant language spoken in the area. The author discusses issues related to identifying Russian semantic and structural calques in the examined dialects, in particular differentiating between calques and adapted borrowings. The difficulties result from the close affinity of the Russian language and the influenced dialects, which have a common Slavic root. The article suggests a solution to this problem, namely observing various aspects of calque formation, taking into consideration the fact that the border between the analysed phenomena is blurred and the calques are often firmly bound with certain collocations. To this end, the author introduces the notion of “collocation calques” in order to describe these units adequately.
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