ethnomusicologist, professor of the University of Warsaw, works at the Institute of Musicology and at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (phonographic archives). Book publications: Muzyka ludowa we współczesnym społeczeństwie [Folk music in contemporary society] (Warsaw, 1987); Ludowa praktyka muzyczna w komentarzach i opiniach wykonawców w Polsce [Folk music practice in the comments and opinions of performers in Poland] (Warsaw, 1993); Tradycje muzyczne a ich przemiany. Między kulturą ludową, popularną i elitarną Polski międzywojennej [Musical traditions and their transformations. Between the folk, popular and elite culture of interwar Poland] (Warsaw, 1998); Muzyka Adwentu. Tradycja gry na ligawkach [Music of Advent. The tradition of playing on the wooden horn ligawka] (Warsaw, 2003). He has published over 100 articles, mainly about traditional ethnic music and folk instruments.
Dahlig, P. (2018). Hearing and Obedience in Traditional Cultures as a Condition for Transcendent Communication. Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology, 7, 51–60. Pobrano z