assistant professor at the Department of Musicology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She also graduated from the University of Technology in Poznań. She received her PhD from Adam Mickiewicz University in 2005 (Determinanty barwy dźwięku w dwudziestowiecznych technikach kompozytorskich w świetle teorii Alberta Bregmana [The determinants of the timbre of sounds in twentieth-century composition techniques in the light of Bregman’s conception]). She specialises in the history, theory and aesthetics of twentieth-century music and also music perception, cognition, music acoustics and the physiology of hearing. She is author of the book Scena słuchowa muzyki dwudziestowiecznej [The auditory scene of twentieth-century music] (Poznań, 2006) and a number of articles.
Humięcka-Jakubowska, J. (2018). Mental Representations of Tonal Images in Twentieth-Century Sonoristic Compositions. Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology, 7, 185–210. Retrieved from