assistant professor at the Department of Musicology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In the years 1992-1994 he was Artistic Director of the Teatr Wielki in Poznań, and from 1999 to 2008 chair of the Poznań Section of the Polish Composers’ Union. His research interests embrace the aesthetics and semiotics of music, the theory and history of operatic theatre and the methodology of musicology. His is the author of the books: Krzysztof Meyer. Do i od kompozytora [Krzysztof Meyer. From and to the composer] (Poznań, 1994; Ger. trans. Poznań and Cologne, 1998) and Muzyka jako znak [Music as sign] (Poznań, 1999), as well as numerous articles published in Poland and abroad. His is editor of the series Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology (Poznań, 1993-), Res Facta Nova (Poznań, 1994-) and Poznańskie Studia Operowe (Poznań, 1999-). He is also chair of the Editorial Committee of The Complete Works of Henryk Wieniawski.
Piotr Podlipniak
assistant professor at the Department of Musicology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He received his PhD from Adam Mickiewicz University in 2005 (Uniwersalia muzyczne jako problem badawczy muzykologii [Music universals as a research problem of musicology]). His main areas of interest are the biological sources of human musicality, emotional communication by means of music, musical cognition and the methodology of musicology. He is author of the book Uniwersalia muzyczne [Music universals] (Poznań, 2007) and a number of articles. In his musicological research, he refers to such academic disciplines as cognitive science, evolutionary psychology and cultural anthropology.
Jabłoński, M., & Podlipniak, P. (2018). Music as a Medium of Communication. Two Visions of Musicology. Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology, 7, 15–34. Pobrano z