Networked subversion: a catalyst for a change in thinking about sexuality


social creation
social media
massive communication

How to Cite

Urban, W. M. (2018). Networked subversion: a catalyst for a change in thinking about sexuality. Journal of Gender and Power, 10(2), 151–161.


The picture is an important element of Western Culture. Boldly it can be called a universal means of transmission, an inherent part of social and virtual communication. For this reason, in my text, I have decided to analyze images in socials media, cultural objects that deal with issues of breaking the cultural pattern of gender and sexuality. I will focus on the subversive nature of these images and how they can be put into public discussion. Simplicity, literacy, and above all, the visuality of the message, are the characteristics of the image, that led to its inclusion in the digital communication process. Contemporary man is “homo videns”, communicates with the world, receives the world through images. Language is an abstract message, the image provides precision, versatility. The ease of reading a visual message makes certain cultural content more accessible. The issue of gender, the artificiality of meanings given due to sexual characteristics, is easier to say with images. Due to the photos present in the social media, the academic discussion on the limitations of the sex bureaucracy is becoming more common. Everyone can express their voice, give discussion, confront other people’s opinions. Because of the number of users, the freedom of uploading photos, the topic of breaking the heterodogmat is global. Social media as a tool to undermine cultural gender stereotypes.


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