The lexical and semantic field of color-naming as an object of translation (on the example of “Pan Tadeusz” by Adami Mickiewicz and its translation into Russian by Swiatoslaw Swiacki)
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lexical and semantical field
lexical names of colors
translating tools
semantics of colors
linguistic picture of the sky

How to Cite

Goszczyńska, A. (2018). The lexical and semantic field of color-naming as an object of translation (on the example of “Pan Tadeusz” by Adami Mickiewicz and its translation into Russian by Swiatoslaw Swiacki). Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza I Dialog, (4), 61–70.


The present article analyzes the translation of the lexical and semantical field of color-naming (on the basis of Adam Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz and its Russian translation by Światosław Świacki). The analysis focuses on the contexts in which the words denoting the semantics of colors function. The lexical and semantic field of color-naming has been characterized and divided into sub-fields (representatives sub-fields for chromatic and achromatic colors have been distiguished as well as the color-naming words have been divided according parts of speech). The main part of the paper  is devoted to the analysis of translating tools used by Światosław Świacki in order  to refelct the semantics of colors in the translation.
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