Evolution of the discourse on social participation of children
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children’s participation
children’s citizenship
righst of the child

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JAROSZ, E. (2020). Evolution of the discourse on social participation of children. Critical Review, 2(1), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.14746/pk.2020.2.1.02


The concept of social participation of children is today understood multidimensionally, as an idea that is in fact polymorphous but also as an idea that is required to be implemented on different social levels. Since the clear expression of the idea placed in the Convention on the right of the child in 1989 its development in scientific discourse but also in practice one may be characterized as an evolution. The main change of it is perceiving today the participation more as a value and goal that should be reached rather than – as it was the past decades – as a tool and a method of developing the subjectivity of a child and democracy in a society. At the same time, it means that the discourse on children’s participation has shifted towards the collective sense and is directed now to social and political theories which has become its theoretical background. The paper presents a draft describing this evolution.

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