Hybrid masculinities or a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Defining the concept
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sociology of masculinities
hybrid masculinities
hegemonic masculinity
Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities

How to Cite

Kluczyńska, U. (2021). Hybrid masculinities or a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Defining the concept. Critical Review, 3(2), 35–50. https://doi.org/10.14746/pk.2021.3.2.2


Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities offer an array of terms and categories to describe masculinities and gender relations. The hegemonic masculinity theory of R.W. Connell is the most common theory that has monopolised studies on masculinities. However, it has been criticised heavily, the result being new ways of describing masculinities, including hybrid masculinities. The main aim of the article is to provide Polish readers with comprehensive descriptions and a critique of theoretical theories on men and masculinities with special focus on the hybrid masculinity theory. The analysis provides definitions of hybrid masculinities and considers consequences of hybridisation. Besides, the author analyses studies, which use the concept of hybrid masculinities. Finally, the hybrid masculinity theory is presented and discussed in the light of other theories of masculinities.

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