Challenges of i-voting – practices, rules and perspectives. Examples from Estonia and Switzerland


Internet voting

How to Cite

Musiał-Karg, M. (2017). Challenges of i-voting – practices, rules and perspectives. Examples from Estonia and Switzerland. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 61–72.


This paper discusses the experience related to selected European states implementing i-voting. Particular emphasis is given in the text to the issues of the definition of internet voting (as one of the forms of electronic voting); the analysis of experiences gathered by states with a history of the implementation of internet voting; and the procedures of vote casting via Internet. The main goal of this text is to answer the questions of the greatest risks and benefits of internet voting, the influence i-voting has on voter turnout and the future prospects of i-voting. The considerations presented here focus on the experiences of two states with apparently the greatest experience in the field of i-voting, namely Estonia and Switzerland.


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