The Importance of Peace and Stability for European Development Policy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa
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European Union

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Kaczmarek, F. (2017). The Importance of Peace and Stability for European Development Policy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 157–172.


The aim of the global development policy is to eradicate poverty. Scholars are in no doubt that wars and armed conflicts are among the key obstacles to the effective struggle against poverty. Peace and security are as important for developing countries as for those that offer development aid. The EU and its member states are the greatest global providers of aid and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the region with the highest demand for developmental aid. This article analyzes the position of peace and stability in European development policy towards Africa. Another issue is the attempt to answer the question of the influence peace and stability, or their lack, have on the development of SSA. The analysis of the situation in SSA states demonstrates that consistent and sustainable development is not feasible during warfare and other armed conflicts. Ensuring permanent development has to be preceded by an effective conclusion of conflicts and the eradication or dramatic suppression of the causes of such conflicts. The aid from outside, including that provided by the EU, is first and foremost humanitarian. While such aid is necessary and helps save human lives, it neither eliminates the reasons for conflicts, nor is it able to ensure permanent development.
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