Empire of Illusion? America’s problem with contemporary public discourse


United States of America
Political culture
political myth
political discourse
civic education

How to Cite

Herzog, T. (2014). Empire of Illusion? America’s problem with contemporary public discourse. Przegląd Politologiczny, 19(4), 65–75. https://doi.org/10.14746/pp.2014.19.4.4


This article argues that a strong sense of exceptionalism that has informed the national character of the United States over the last two centuries has also resulted with some negative, domestic and international, implications. It has diminished the quality of public discourse in America and undermined the US position in the international community. The recent Great Recession, military conflicts the US has been engaged in, a sharp economic and social disparity within the American society lead to questioning the validity of the American Dream. The US revival is possible only through making the American experience ethically and spiritually grounded and meaningful. It is argued that education should play an instrumental role in improving the quality of public discourse, and building civil society.



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