The article concerns the issue of developing electromobility in Poland against the background of plans related to shaping the national energy policy. Electric vehicles are an important challenge for transport policy in the world. Their growing popularity is a response to the problems of environmental pollution and is associated with activities to ensure sustainable development. Poland is a State that intends to move towards the development of electromobile transport. An appropriate strategy was prepared for this purpose, and the law was established and the responsible institutions were identified in this regard. Unfortunately, the main idea that accompanies electromobility – that is, ecology, does not go hand in hand with plans in the field of Polish energy policy. According to official government programs, energy production in Poland until 2040 is to be based on the use of coal. This means that electric vehicles will be powered by the so-called “dirty energy”. The hypothesis of the article is that the development of electromobility in Poland is difficult to justify in terms of a positive impact on the natural environment and climate protection in a situation where energy production is based on coal. Without changes in energy policy, electromobility “in Polish” is a failed idea, because it does not meet the basic assumptions – that is, it will not contribute to reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment.
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