European Union consumer policy on product safety in years 2002–2014


product safety
consumer policy
consumer rights
European Union

How to Cite

Malczyńska-Biały, M. (2020). European Union consumer policy on product safety in years 2002–2014. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 93–102.


The article aims to analyse consumer policy in the field of product safety in the European Union after 2002. In particular the considerations focus on the legislative and standardization activities of the Union in the area of product safety. The article synthesised selected acts of European Union law in the field of product safety. In particular, the basic objectives of consumer policy after 2002 were presented in the context of product safety. It also pointed to the essence of the standardization process of the product safety standards in the European Union. It was pointed out that the RAPEX and RASFF systems contribute to consumer safety. The final part of the article contains considerations on the legitimacy and real impact of the standardization process in the field of product safety.


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