Searching for the ontology of populism – definitional dilemmas
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political strategy
political style
interpretive frames

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Lipiński, A. (2020). Searching for the ontology of populism – definitional dilemmas. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 131–148.


Populism has been a controversial category since the beginning of the scientific reflection on this phenomenon. As this article shows, this stems from the differences between researchers who differently hierachize the meaning of specific constitutive elements. More importantly, researchers often differ even as to which elements are necessary elements of the phenomenon. Therefore, these differences result from different views on the ontological status of populism. This leads to a tendency to use other empirical data and a different methodology. The purpose of this text is the critical analysis of the most typical and new ideas regarding ontological status of populism. The article also attempts to identify potential areas of agreement between individual approaches to populism: as a thin-core ideology, discourse, strategy and organization, political style, mobilization, discursive and stylistic repertoire, and interpretative framework.
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Scientific work financed by the National Science Center under the HARMONIA program; research grant: 2015/18 / M / HS5 / 00080.


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