Free movement of persons between Switzerland and the European Union and state security


free movement of persons

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Kraśnicka, I., Perkowska, M., & Wrońska, I. (2014). Free movement of persons between Switzerland and the European Union and state security. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 59–75.


The paper presents the phases of introducing free movement of persons, common rules within civil aviation between the EU and Switzerland, and the Schengen Agreement. Analysing this based on the currently applicable Swiss and EU legislation, the authors present the regulations in this area. As those regulations influence migration, the paper also presents statistical data on the permanent and non-permanent foreign population in Switzerland and contains a thorough analysis of that data – as part of the paper’s empirical research. The further empirical part is an empirical analysis of data on the penalties for: 1) unlawful entry, exit, and period of stay and working without a permit, 2) encouraging unlawful entry, exit or an unlawful period of stay, 3) employment of foreign nationals without a permit, and 4) fraudulent conduct towards the authorities penalised under the Federal Act on Foreign Nationals. These crimes mostly concern illegal border crossing, encouraging and helping illegal border crossing and other illegal actions aimed at aiding the activities of illegal migrants. The crimes are strictly linked to the issue of the free movement of persons, the common rules of the EU and Switzerland within the field of civil aviation and the Schengen Agreement between Switzerland and the EU. For this reason, the paper presents statistical data on the criminality of foreigners, related to the problem of migration.


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